Lead Generation for Ecologists- How to get results...

If we had a pound for every time an ecologist told us of the struggles in terms of building and maintaining a relationship with clients we wouldn't be sat here writing this blog article! Whether is be town planners that you deal with, councils, home builders or architects, each sector is not without a challenge. 

Here below are the most common things we hear and how we can help you overcome them:

1. We can't get in front of the right person

Often when you need to speak to a decision maker in a council or a large house building firm, the person with the buying power isn't willing to take a call from a name or company they don't recognise or have dealings with. But thats ok. By effective use of a combination of marketing strategies, we have a team of sales staff who have a strong understanding of ecology services and an even better understanding of how to build a relationship with the person who has the power. Ask us today for more information. 

2. People keep moving on

We often find with our ecology clients that they have a list of customers they have dealt with yet none of their direct marketing seems to generate any huge results. Why they ask? Well its simple. From previous projects and experience our team have established that people who work in the industries referenced above move on quite quickly as they want to progress in their career. A new person comes in and its a case of building up the relationship all over again. Through the simple method of courtesy calls, we can assist you in keeping your customer database accurate and retaining strong relationships with your key clients. 

3. We just don't have the time

In busy periods when surveys are underway we understand that your days in the office may be limited. And that is fantastic. But where problems arise is in the quieter periods business may be slow or alternatively you may be out of the loop of new projects coming up. Nurturing relationships is time consuming- we know this as well as anyone. Imagine if you could outsource this to a team to ensure you keep up to date with your existing customers to make sure you are at the forefront of their minds for every project that comes up, you were up to date on projects coming up over the next calendar year and you were able to target more companies you want to deal with- and you are only required when the decision maker wants to discuss their project requirements. Well now you can! 

Get in touch. We have developed a strong niche working with ecologists and are more than confident we can deliver what you need- on time, every time!