Which Social Media Platforms Do You Need?

A question we get asked on a regular basis, primarily from small business owners, is “which social media platforms do I need to be on?” Unfortunately, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to answering this question.

When we’re asked which platforms are best for which businesses, the first thing we need to take into consideration is the target audience of your company – there’s absolutely no point in wasting time, effort and budget where your audience isn’t present and engaged. You’ll be left frustrated, out of pocket and no further forward.

Next, it’s worth looking at the big players in the social media world and asking whether or not you can keep up with your competitors on these platforms. Does your rival have a fantastic Twitter account that you could only hope to replicate? Is their Instagram amazing and something that is totally out of your reach? If so, it’s better to have a presence on less platforms, but to execute these really well, then if and when your capacity increases, so can your social media presence.

Once you’ve established where your audience are and which platforms you can effectively manage, it’s time to work out a social media strategy to help your posting. A plan helps you stay focused.

Before posting, it’s also worth thinking about whether you can undertake the work yourself. Many think that social media management involves throwing up a post every now and again and that’s the end of it. If only! Creative copywriting, graphic production, budget management, monitoring insights, community management and market research just about scrape the surface of managing a social media campaign, and if it’s not done properly, it’s likely you’ll see minimal to no ROI from your efforts.

This is where we come in!