3 Tips To Increase Your Ability to Close...

So many of our clients when we talk to them don't actually know who their target market is. Our biggest tip in order to be successful in terms of gaining new clients and generating sales :

  • Know "who is your who". You can't be everything to everyone. By targeting a more specific market and becoming an expert in that area, you are more likely to be successful in gaining trust and delivering great results. Great results = repeat business. 
  • Follow up, follow up, follow up. Did you know in 2016 it was reported on average you need to follow up on a lead between seven and twelve times to close the deal.
  • Ask for the sale- so many people try to generate rapport, nurture the relationship and keep the lead interested. But what amazes us is when people don't dare ask for the sale. Ask the question- you might be pleasantly surprised!